I promised myself I would never say "well, when I was in high school we didn't have or I never did..", but I find myself saying and thinking that more than one time a day. Did I have these things? Could I have set up a blog in 2004? I am sure I could have, I just didn't have a teacher that used it in the classroom. I hope my students never say that about me. I really try my best to add new, fun, and exciting things into my classroom. My school has barely any technology, only computers in the library and the computer lab. One teacher was able to get a class set of ipads for his classroom this year, but they are his and only his. I will say that he worked very hard to get them, and I don't blame him for keeping them.
After watching a few of the videos assigned to us today I caught myself reflecting on my own teaching habits, always saying "well we just can't do that here," or "I wish our school had something like that". Have i ever blogged in my classroom? Nope! Have I ever used a voice thread in my classroom? Nope! Have I ever thought to use them in my classroom? Nope! (See people, I NEED this class.) In the video "A Vision of 21st Century Teachers"Video #1 a teacher holds up a sign that says something like "Unleash the power that they bring with them to the classroom". I don't know about you, but usually I want them to keep the power inside and listen to what I have to say. But, really we SHOULD be unleashing their power. They ARE powerful and they DO know more about technology than I do so why not?! At the end of this video it says "I am a 21st Century Teacher... and Learner." That sums me up perfectly. How about you? I want my classroom to look like some of the classrooms in the video called "Classroom of Tomorrow". Video #2 Does your classroom look like this? Mine looks like its stuck in 2001. As an official 21st Century teacher I believe it is my job to create this technology rich environment with virtual field trips or blogging. Students need to have a better understanding of the global community in foreign language classes.
Now is the time to act on this. Some teachers and schools are going to leave us in the dust. And I hate dust! I want to be a teacher that students look back and say "Mrs. Dunham taught me how to blog. Mrs Dunham was always incorporated technology into our Spanish class." Wish me luck?
This picture has nothing to do with blogging, but my sister is an awesome photographer and took this of my husband and I. I thought I could share with you all. Have a great week!
Giving Students Space #EdChat #AIinEDU
2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI completely identify with what you wrote. I am very fortunate to teach in a district where I at least have a Smart Board in my classroom. I often use it during instruction and I stop to think, "This thing is so cool! I wish we had this when I was in school!" Even though I am not much older than my students, I find that as learners, we are worlds apart. I too am excited to take this course because I need it! I do try to incorporate technology in my instruction but I have yet to accomplish this task in a unique manner. I'm looking forward to broadening my horizons and to stepping outside of my comfort zone.
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ReplyDeleteHi Alissa,
ReplyDeleteI love how you relate your own educational experiences to the way you want to teach. I was in the same situation as you, where blogs existed but teachers in my school did not use them. The way you spoke of it, it reminded me that if you take a look at your own educational experiences, you may ask "did it help prepare me for where I am now?" "Is that how I want to be as a teacher to students of the next generation?"
You also discuss the concept of "virtual field trips," something I had never thought much about. It just goes to show that with resources we have at our fingertips today, we can take students worlds away without taking a step outside of the classroom to provide them with a new experience. If we have these resources and know or believe that they will benefit students, it only makes sense that we utilize them.
Virtual field trips are a subject that could stand some real research since they provide so many possibilities for learning.
ReplyDeleteRegarding this mod, please look back at the layout feature and move your edublogger list to the side. When readers access your blog they are more interested in what you say then in that list, so you want your posts to appear first. Please also make the links to the videos by highlighting a word or a phrase in the text, not by writing out the link.
Dr. Burgos,
ReplyDeleteI believe I made all of the necessary changes.
I laughed out loud when I read your post! I am totally catching myself criticizing this up-and-coming generation (and it makes me feel old!). I think you have a perfectly balanced attitude - one that is excited, motivated and desires to incorporate anything and everything, but also recognizes that there are challenges and its not simple. I think as Spanish teachers we have a unique opportunity to use technology to access that global community you mentioned - how cool?! Not all of our students can travel and have experiences that we've had, but they can come closer! Also, love the picture! My sister is a photographer as well! Thanks for your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteYour post had me laughing!! I feel so old sometimes when I see these kids in their classrooms.... Thank goodness for this class, or I would be completely clueless. I already have my little cousins showing me how to do stuff online, I can't imagine how bad my students would be laughing at me if I had to work in a smart classroom right now. I think you have a great attitude, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with!